Choose great interview examples

Project Directory helps you keep track of your achievements to prepare for interviews or negotiate your next promotion.

Automate your cover letters

Use the Cover Letter Generator to turn your achievements into a custom letter for each application.


Keep track of your achievements

Effortlessly prepare for interviews

Leverage AI to write custom cover letters

Remember all the important details

Working on an amazing project? Keep track of your work, the context surrounding it, the impact it had, and more, so you never forget an important detail.

The Project Directory template prompts you to think of important factors ahead of time. What are you trying to communicate with each example? What was the impact of your work? Did you learn anything new?

Always find the perfect example

Don’t let tough interview questions catch you off guard. Use the search feature to easily find the perfect example from your saved stories to answer any question with confidence.

Adding tags makes it easy to find the perfect interview example, or put together a bulletproof case for promotion. Stand out in your interviews and impress hiring managers with your preparedness and expertise.

A custom letter for every application

Leverage the power of storytelling to stand out in a crowded job market. Impress recruiters and hiring managers with a personalized, unique cover letter that showcases your skills and experiences.

The Cover Letter Generator uses your saved success stories to create a tailored cover letter that speaks directly to the hiring manager’s needs.

How does it work?

The Cover Letter Generator uses AI to write a cover letter based on the examples saved in your Project Directory. It uses a fine-tuned large language model based on Google’s FLAN-T5. The model runs on a private AWS server, so your data is protected from third parties. We will never sell any of your personal information.

This feature isn’t quite ready yet. To be notified when it launches, please log in and submit your email in the Generator tab.


This website is in active development. Please help us by submitting feedback, reporting a bug, or requesting a feature in the following form: Google Forms